Autores: Antonio Campos, Maria Rodrigues
This study evaluates the impact of providing a school report card to principals with information about their own and their teachers’ performance. The experiment was carried out in a sample of 308 public secondary schools (188 urban and 120 rural schools) in Peru, half of which were randomly selected to receive a school report card. Results show slightly positive effects on reading comprehension test scores in urban schools (approximately 0.06 σ), but an unexpected negative effect on reading comprehension and science test scores in rural schools (between -0.10 σ and -0.16 σ). When exploring potential mechanisms for these results, we find evidence that report cards do not improve principals’ performance, and rather reduce optimal use of school time in rural schools (approximately -0.60 σ). Furthermore, report cards improve teacher performance, but only for teachers whose performance was assessed at baseline and mainly in rural schools (between 0.25 σ and 0.55 σ). We thus interpret this as a substitution effect between the time and effort dedicated to monitoring teachers’ practices and that dedicated to teaching, due to limited resources and management capacity in rural schools, leading to an unexpected learning loss in students.
Antonio es candidato a Doctor en economía por la Universidad de San Andrés en Argentina, magister en economía en la misma casa de estudios y bachiller en economía por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.
Es Investigador Adjunto de GRADE y co-Investigador Principal del estudio Niños del Milenio. Asimismo, ejerce labores de docencia en la Universidad de Piura. Anteriormente, ha laborado como coordinador de evaluaciones de políticas educativas del Ministerio de Educación donde ha liderado el diseño y ejecución de las evaluaciones de impacto y cualitativas de intervenciones de política educativa, así como el Laboratorio de Innovación Educativa – MineduLAB.
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