Rainfall shocks and subsistence farmers: Evidence from Peru
Fernando Aragon
This paper examines the effect of rainfall shocks on agricultural outcomes in the context of subsistence farmers. Using micro-data from Peruvian households and a novel re-analysis dataset on precipitation, I document a positive relation between rainfall and agricultural output. This result is not driven by greater productivity, but by increments in land and labor use. These productive responses include changes in crop mix and child labor. I also document suggestive evidence that secure access to other water sources, such as irrigation water, has beneficial effects on agricultural production.
Associate Professor, Simon Fraser University
Fernando Aragon is an Associate Professor of Economics at Simon Fraser University, Canada. His research lies at the intersection of Development, Environmental and Political Economy and focuses on understanding the role of natural resources, local institutions, and environmental factors (such as climate change and pollution), on local communities. His research has been published in leading academic journals including the Economic Journal, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, and the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. Before joining academia, Dr. Aragon worked as an economic consultant for public and private organizations in Peru and UK. He holds a B.A from the Universidad del Pacifico (Peru), and a MSc and PhD in Economics from the London School of Economics.
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